星期二, 1月 08, 2008

Solaris PXE server installation and configuration

1. /usr/sadm/admin/bin/dhcpmgr command under GUI
2. Now finish configuring DHCP service
3. You can start and stop service by this tool

NFS Image files
1. create /export/home/sol10 directory
2. insert the first CD in the CDROM. Go to /cdrom/cdrom0/s2/Solaris_10/Tools
3. Execute the following command:
# ./setup_install_server /export/home/sol10
4. After finishing the CD1, change to another disk step by step(CD2,3,4) and into the same directory
5. Execute the following command:
# ./add_to_install_server /export/home/sol10

1. Edit /etc/dfs/dfstab file and add a following line.
share –F nfs –o ro,anon=0 –d "install server directory” /export/home/sol10
2. Do "shareall" command
3. Type "share" command to see if it works.
4. Do command "svcadm enable network/nfs/server"
5. "showmount -e" to see if it works or check "ps -efgrep nfs".
6. If not, do it by yourself like below.
/usr/lib/nfs/nfsd -a
7. It should be work now. If not, call the police.....:)

1. Get into /export/home/sol10/Solaris_10/Tools
# ./add_install_client -d -e "00:a0:d1:e1:a5:3d" \ <-- Client's MAC address # > -s \
# > i86pc

$$$$ It shows some messages and VERY IMPORTANT about the PXE function.

Do following command to make the same option for dhcp.
# dhtadm -A -s SrootIP4 -d ’Vendor=SUNW.i86pc,2,IP,1,1’
# dhtadm -A -s SrootNM -d ’Vendor=SUNW.i86pc,3,ASCII,1,0’
# dhtadm -A -s SrootPTH -d ’Vendor=SUNW.i86pc,4,ASCII,1,0’
# dhtadm -A -s SinstIP4 -d ’Vendor=SUNW.i86pc,10,IP,1,1’
# dhtadm -A -s SinstNM -d ’Vendor=SUNW.i86pc,11,ASCII,1,0’
# dhtadm -A -s SinstPTH -d ’Vendor=SUNW.i86pc,12,ASCII,1,0’
# dhtadm -A -s SsysidCF -d ’Vendor=SUNW.i86pc,13,ASCII,1,0’
# dhtadm -A -s SjumpsCF -d ’Vendor=SUNW.i86pc,14,ASCII,1,0’
# dhtadm -A -s SbootURI -d ’Vendor=SUNW.i86pc,16,ASCII,1,0’

4. And then use “/usr/sadm/adm/bin/dhcpmgr&” to call the GUI programe to configure following items.
5. Create 2 macros as it said. (0100xxxxxx and the PXEClientxxxxx)
6. Create the Address FOR the macro.
7. Now finish configuring DHCP with PXE service
8. You can start and stop service by this tool

Trouble Shooting
1. If cannot boot from the client and cause by the driver.
a. Modify path
Change driver name from none to “bge.bef” or something like that.
b. Modify path
Add a line bge “pci14e4,16a8” <-- It shows on your client’s error message. 2. If cannot put into the CDs, please do following command in CLI mode. # svcadm enable smserver 3. The command “lspci” usage in Solaris # prtconf –pv
