星期二, 1月 08, 2008

MPICH2 briefly installation tips and howto to check

Needed Packages
1. mpich.tar.gz (http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich2/downloads/mpich2-1.0.tar.gz)
2. RSH
3. NIS (ypserv)
Needed Daemon
1. nfs
2. netfs
3. network
4. nfs (server)
5. rstatd (for RPC)
6. portmap
7. rsh
8. xinetd
9. ypserv (server)
10. yppasswdd (server)
11. ypbind (client) <-- chkconfig ypbind on Installation tar zxvf mpich2.tar.gz ######### HOSTS ################## All /etc/hosts file in all client should contain all nodes information or it will fail. ######### mpich ################## use another user login and use these tools. Get into mpich directory ./configure --prefix=/home/hpcuser/mpich2 <-- not the same with the source folder make;make all;make install add "export PATH=/home/hpcuser/mpich2/bin/:$PATH" to ~/.bash_profile ######### mpd ################## cd $HOME touch .mpd.conf chmod 600 .mpd.conf add "secretword=111111" into this file #mpd& --> start the mpd daemon for mpiexec command.
You can test by "mpiexec -n 1 /bin/hostname" to see if you can run mpi2.
Or use "mpdallexit" to exit the mpd daemon.
######### RSH ##################
It used on client OS.
Open rsh daemon with xinetd service
modify PAM rule under /etc/pam.d/rsh
**remove the "pam_rhosts_auth" option
DON'T USE RSH AS ROOT!!!!!! (Permission Deny)
######### yp (NIS server) ##################
common settings
add "NISDOMAIN=hpcdomain" to /etc/sysconfig/network file
modify /etc/nsswitch passwd item to "nis files"
add following items to /etc/ypserv.conf :* :* :none :* :* :none
add "/usr/lib/yp/ypinit -m" to /etc/rc.d/rc.local
add "/home (rw,sync)" to /etc/exports and do "/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs reload"
add "/usr/local/src (rw,sync)" to /etc/exports and do "/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs reload"
add "domain pxe server" to /etc/yp.conf
add "/usr/lib/yp/ypinit -s pxe" to /etc/rc.d/rc.local
add "" to /etc/fstab
add "" to /etc/fstab
add the mpi user's GID to /etc/group
example command
cup stress
~/mpich/bin/mpirun -np 4 ~/mpich/mpe/contrib/life/life_g <-- make first, and type 100,1000 arter enter mpirun -np 2 ~/mpich/mpe/contrib/mandel/pmandel <-- xwin demo, "make" first (reference in README file) mpirun -np 4 PMB-MPI1 PingPong PingPing Sendrecv ********* Demo Used ********** cd ~/mpich/mpe ./configure --disable-checkMPI --disable-slog2 make all ~/mpich/examples/basic make mpirun -np 4 ./cpilog --> You will see all processes where they are.
make all
