星期二, 1月 08, 2008

Cluster manager tool usage and samba HA howto

>service add
Service name: clusamba
Preferred member [None]: node2
Relocate when the preferred member joins the cluster (yes/no/?) [no]: yes
User script (e.g., /usr/foo/script or None) [None]:
Status check interval [0]: 90
Do you want to add an IP address to the service (yes/no/?) [no]: yes

IP Address Information

IP address:
Netmask (e.g. or None) [None]:
Broadcast (e.g. X.Y.Z.255 or None) [None]:
Do you want to (a)dd, (m)odify, (d)elete or (s)how an IP address, or
are you (f)inished adding IP addresses [f]:
Do you want to add a disk device to the service (yes/no/?) [no]: yes

Disk Device Information

Device special file (e.g., /dev/sdb4): /dev/sdb1
Filesystem type (e.g., ext2, ext3 or None): ext2
Mount point (e.g., /usr/mnt/service1) [None]: /mnt
Mount options (e.g., rw,nosuid,sync): rw,nosuid,sync
Forced unmount support (yes/no/?) [yes]:
Would you like to allow NFS access to this filesystem (yes/no/?)\
[no]: no
Would you like to share to Windows clients (yes/no/?) [no]: yes

You will now be prompted for the Samba configuration:
Samba share name: clushare

The samba config file /etc/samba/smb.conf.clushare does not exist.

Would you like a default config file created (yes/no/?) [no]: yes

Successfully created /etc/samba/smb.conf.clushare.
Please remember to make necessary customizations and then copy the file
over to the other cluster member.

Do you want to (a)dd, (m)odify, (d)elete or (s)how DEVICES, or
are you (f)inished adding DEVICES [f]: f
name: clusamba
preferred node: node2
relocate: yes
user script: None
monitor interval: 90
IP address 0:
netmask 0: None
broadcast 0: None
device 0: /dev/sdb1
mount point, device 0: /mnt
mount fstype, device 0: ext2
mount options, device 0: rw,nosuid,sync
force unmount, device 0: yes
samba share, device 0: clushare
Add clusamba service as shown? (yes/no/?) yes

Test procedure:
You can reboot or shutdown one of these 2 nodes and observe the smb daemon in another node.
#smbclient -L
You have to see a sharename with "clushare" and Comment is "High Availability Samba Service" and done.

Reference site:
